Share this Rating. Title A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion TV Movie 1993 7. Want to share IMDbs rating on your own site A sleeper hit is a work that becomes an unexpected success upon its release, usually through word of mouth. Either the work slipped under the fandom and. Download Waltons Tv Show Cast Members' title='Download Waltons Tv Show Cast Members' />The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Find the latest TV recaps, photos, videos and clips, news and more on MSN TV. The stars of The Waltons Where are the surviving cast members now WITH the passing this week of Earl Hamner Jr., the creator of The Waltons, fans are fondly. List of The Waltons characters. The Waltons is an Americantelevision series that aired for nine seasons 1. CBS. A further six TV movies aired in the 1. Below is a list of the series characters and the actors that portrayed them. Main characterseditJohn John Boy Walton Jr. John Walton Jr. Richard Thomas, pilot, seasons 15, two guest shots in season 6 and three 1. Robert Wightman, seasons 89, 1. Known throughout the series as John Boy born in 1. Olivia Walton ne Daly and John Walton Sr. John Boy is based on author Earl Hamner Jr., who narrates the opening and closing of each episode as the present day, adult John Boy. The main character of the series, who is also the oldest of seven surviving children, aged 1. John Boy is a serious thinker and avid reader with a passion to become a writer. He constantly records his thoughts about his family, friends, and circumstances, and writes stories in a journaldiary. Normally a calm, quiet sort, John Boy occasionally displays a touch of his fathers fiery temper, and can become defensive and indignant when a situation warrants. He is deeply touched by tragic events in history, as he watches the Hindenburg disaster unfold and gets injured trying to rescue people from it, and is infuriated when his community attempts to burn German books in response to hearing about Nazis doing the same to their books. After becoming the first member of his family to graduate from college, he moves to New York City to fulfill his dream. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, he enlists in the military and writes for the Stars and Stripes. In season 8, he is formally reintroduced to the story once his parents learn he is missing in action. It turns out his plane, the Katie Ann, was shot down and crashed into the sea near Britain while he was out looking for stories. He and the pilot were forced to tread water for hours at a time to stay afloat, but after growing exhausted, his comrade succumbed to his injuries and drowned, while John Boy, who had suffered extreme head trauma, lost consciousness as he was rescued from the sea. Due to the severity of his injuries, he slipped into a lengthy coma and was flown back to America to undergo medical care, leaving his parents to wait on his recovery. When he at last emerged from his coma, he was stricken with amnesia from the traumatic injury he suffered to his head, and no longer could participate in the war. After World War II ended, he tried to return to New York at the promise of an opportunity waiting for him to tell his own story like many others, but subsequently lost his footing as a novelist due to an over saturated market of war stories ousting his from consideration. He then turned his attention to reporting news instead and gained a steady means of living once more, but would one day have to break the news of the John F. Kennedy assassination. However, it was in this profession that he finally found the love of his life in the form of Janet, and eventually married her. John Walton Sr. editFamily patriarch John, called Daddy by his children, pilot, Andrew Duggan series and sequels, Ralph Waite is a hard working, industrious man who runs a small family sawmill on his property on Waltons Mountain, who is also the main character of the series. He is the second son of Esther Walton ne Morgan and Zebulon Tyler Walton. He is the husband of Olivia Walton ne Daly and father of John John Boy Walton Jr., Jason Walton, Mary Ellen Walton, Erin Esther Walton, Benjamin Ben Walton II, James Robert Jim Bob Walton and his stillborn twin brother Joseph Zebulon Walton, and Elizabeth Tyler Walton. He is usually good natured, wise, and fearless, ready to stand up to a challenge and tell things straight. These personality traits sometimes cause him to be brash, even towards his children and wife on occasion, and when greatly stressed, he is prone to overwork to the point of workaholism. World War I veteran John will do anything to protect his family he also wishes to see all of his children graduate from college, which he was unable to do. Despite his Baptist upbringing he, like his father Zeb, is distrustful of organized religion, though he is by no means an atheist. He holds life sacred and honors God as the creator of it. He does not approve of hunting animals for sport, but will hunt to provide food for his family. Despite his rejection of the Baptist church and his we later learn he never underwent baptism during his lifetime, his wife calls him the most God fearing man I know. John very rarely showed tears, and the only time he genuinely cried was when he broke down with his wife at John Boys bedside in the hospital after he had been brought back from World War II in a comatose state and was showing almost no signs of recovery. We are told in the pilot movie that he dies in the year 1. Earl Hamners father died. In 2. 00. 4, TV Guide ranked him 3 on its 5. Greatest TV Dads of All Time list. Olivia WaltoneditOlivia, also known as Liv or Mama, pilot, Patricia Neal series, Michael Learned is John Waltons soft spoken, patient, loving wife, who complements his tough skinned, opinionated nature. She is the sister of Frances Daly of Edgemont. She has seven living children John Walton Jr., Jason Walton, Mary Ellen Walton, Erin Esther Walton, Benjamin Walton II, James Robert Walton, and Elizabeth Tyler Walton. An eighth child, Jim Bobs twin brother Joseph Zebulon Walton, died at birth. She is also the aunt of Olivia Hill and aunt by marriage to Olivias husband Bob. She is usually gentle, but firm and unafraid to speak up or administer discipline when needed while taking a firm stand against going into debt. Like mother in law Esther Walton, she is a devout Southern Baptist, although her husband doesnt share her commitment to the church. She is willing to open her home to friends or strangers in need, but, during early seasons, is uncomfortable with her family associating with the Baldwin sisters because she strongly disapproves of their unknowing production of homemade liquor moonshine, which they refer to as Papas recipe. She is especially disturbed to learn that John Boy borrows an antique typewriter from them and that Mary Ellen unknowingly sells it to the traveling junk dealer, as she wont have her family indebted to the Baldwins. Olivia, along with the rest of the Waltons Mountain community, more warmly embraces the Baldwin sisters during later seasons. After Johns brother Ben was killed in World War I, she resolved to never see another family member off to war and declined to be present when Mary Ellens husband Curt shipped out for active duty and ironically, would later be caught in the attack on Pearl Harbor and believed to be killed in action. When her own children got involved in the war as a result of the Pearl Harbor attack, she changed her mind. Her background and family are not referenced to the same degree as Johns. It is known that she displayed budding artistic talent in high school and considered going to college on a scholarship but instead chose to marry John Walton when she was 1. She is content that she made the right choice. Adobe After Effects Free Keygen Serial there. She survives polio in a two hour special at the end of the first season, and develops tuberculosis later in the series. In a 1. 99. 9 Archive of American Television interview, executive producer Earl Hamner Jr. TV series, he chose to recast the role of Olivia because he did not think that Patricia Neals health would allow her to commit to the grind of a weekly television series. In her 1. 97. 9 memoir, Neal suggested that she would have accepted the role, had it been offered to her. Zebulon Tyler WaltoneditThe Walton family elder, Grandpa Walton Pilot, Edgar Bergen seasons 16, Will Geer, husband of Esther Walton ne Morgan, and father of Benjamin Walton, who was killed in World War I, John Walton, Sr., and an unknown Walton child. Radio Soundsfamiliar.