How to Create a Bootable UEFI USB Flash Drive for Installing Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8. Click here to read the entire tutorial. If you are regular reader of IntoWindows, you probably have come across our How to install Windows 7 Using USB Drive article, a very detailed guide to install. Hey everyone, I have an alienware mx17 I bought in 2011 that will not boot to windows. I ran a diagnosis and received error code 20000142. I have discovered it is a. A solid state hard drive is one of the best upgrades available for a modern computer. It increases the load times of programs dramatically, which in turn makes a PC. Using the system imaging functionality in Windows Backup and a system repair disc, its possible to replace the hard drive in your PC with one that is. I have an Asus Sabertooth Z170 motherboard, with a Samsung 950 Pro m. NVMe drive on it. Ive heard in the past that installing Windows 7 on an NVMe drive was a. The r. EFInd Boot Manager Installing r. EFIndby Roderick W. Smith, rodsmithrodsbooks. Originally written 31. Web page update. 1. EFInd 0. 1. 1. 2. This Web page is provided free of charge and with no annoying outside ads however, I did take time to prepare it, and Web hosting does cost money. If you find this Web page useful, please consider making a small donation to help keep this site up and running. Thanks Donate 1. Donate 2. Donate 5. Donate 1. Donate 2. Donate another value. This page is part of the documentation for the r. Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro Game Port To Usb. EFInd boot manager. If a Web search has brought you here, you may want to start at the main page. Dont be scared by the length of this page Only portions of this page apply to any given user, and most people can install r. EFInd from an RPM or Debian package in a matter of seconds or by using the refind install script in minute or two. Once youve obtained a r. EFInd binary file, as described on the preceding page, you must install it to your computers EFI System Partition ESP or conceivably to some other location. The details of how you do this depend on your OS and your computer UEFI based PC vs. Macintosh. The upcoming sections provide details. See the Contents sidebar to the left for links to specific installation procedures. For most Linux users, an RPM or Debian package is the best way to go. If your Linux system doesnt support these formats, though, or if youre running OS X, using the refind install script can be a good way to go. If youre using Windows, youll have to install manually. I provide RPM and Debian package files for r. EFInd and starting with version 0. Im maintaining an Ubuntu PPA for r. EFInd. If you have a working RPM based or Debian based Linux installation that boots in EFI mode, using one of these files is likely to be the easiest way to install r. EFInd You need only download the file and issue an appropriate installation command. In some cases, double clicking the package in your file manager will install it. If that doesnt work, a command like the following will install the RPM on an RPM based system rpm Uvh refind 0. On a Debian based system, the equivalent command is dpkg i refind0. Either command produces output similar to that described for using the refind install script, so you can check it for error messages and other signs of trouble. The package file installs r. EFInd and registers it with the EFI to be the default boot loader. The script that runs as part of the installation process tries to determine if youre using Secure Boot, and if so it will try to configure r. EFInd to launch using shim however, this wont work correctly on all systems. Ubuntu 1. 2. 1. 0 users who are booting with Secure Boot active should be wary, since the resulting installation will probably try to use Ubuntus version of shim, which wont work correctly with r. EFInd. The shim program provided with more recent versions of Ubuntu should work correctly. Also, since version 0. Secure Boot private keys in an encrypted form. If you set up r. EFInd in this way, the RPM or Debian package will fail to install, since it assumes an unencrypted Secure Boot key. The PPA version asks if you want to install r. EFInd to your ESP. Chances are you want to respond affirmatively. The PPA version will update automatically with your other software, which you might or might not want to have happen. Its also built with GNU EFI rather than with Tiano. Core. This last detail should have no practical effects, but it might be important if youve got a buggy EFI or if theres some undiscovered r. EFInd bug that interacts with the build environment. Since version 0. 6. EFInd in a bootable way even if you run the script from a BIOS mode boot, and therefore the RPM and Debian packages do the same. I cannot guarantee that this will work, though, and even if it does, some of the tricks that refind install uses might not persist for long. You might therefore want to use mvrefind to move your r. EFInd installation to another name after you boot Linux for the first time from r. EFInd. Since version 0. EFInd binaries to usrsharerefind version, the documentation to usrsharedocrefind version, and a few miscellaneous files elsewhere. The PPA package omits the version number from the file paths. Upon installation, the package runs the refind install script to copy the files to the ESP. This enables you to re install r. EFInd after the fact by running refind install, should some other tool or OS wipe the ESP or should the installation go awry. In such cases you can use refind install or install manually.