From what Ive read roughly calculated, 1. HDMI connection at 2. As such, a single link DVI connection will do. That is presumably why many HDMI to DVI connectors you see in the shops are single link DVI they are sufficient for many needs. However, if you increase the bandwidth for some reason for example, increase the colour depth to 3. Deep Colour 1. 0. DVI or HDMI if less than version 1. Even with HDMI 1. High Speed i. e. Category 2. Presumably this is the reason some HDMI to DVI cables connections use Dual Link DVI i. Light bulb moment explaining this to you, I may have just answered some of my own question I was going to say, so as the Dual Link DVI cable has extra bandwidth available, we need to ensure that we have High Speed HDMI to get that bandwidth in. However, that must be the case i. HDMI to DVI DL must use High Speed HDMI or there would be no point in using DL DVI unless they just put the extra pins in the DVI to make it look prettier. Consequently, such a connector i. TheINQUIRER publishes daily news, reviews on the latest gadgets and devices, and INQdepth articles for tech buffs and hobbyists. Nvidia releases GPU drivers optimized for Destiny 2 and Assassins Creed Origins. By Paul Lilly. News Prepare your PC for a couple of upcoming games. High Speed HDMI and Dual Link DVI must be electrically compatible even though the HDMI is Single Link and the DVI is Dual Link I assume theyve somehow made the electronics work. Alternatively, as I said above, it may all just be for show and the extra six pins in the Dual Link are not used and the cable is really Single Link even though it looks like Dual Link. I know it is not always a reliable source but on DVI, Wikipedia states 1. When more bandwidth is required than is possible with a single link, the second link is enabled, and alternate pixels may be transmitted on each and. Nvidia Quadro 4000 Driver Ubuntu Phone' title='Nvidia Quadro 4000 Driver Ubuntu Phone' />The second link can also be used when more than 2. Thinking about it, a pixel is just a colour number expressed in binary i. As you increase the resolution, you increase the volume of numbers you are trying to pass down the connection in a given amount of time, so alternate pixels get sent to each DVI link. As you increase the colour depth each number becomes larger i. In other words, the second link can be used to carry either 1. Thats possibly why daff. Perhaps his computer gave a choice a the usual max 1. Single Link DVI would suffice for a b and so, perhaps we saw b. More likely, we saw c as the computer knew it could produce it and that the monitor could display it. However, the problem was that there was no second DVI link to carry the entire signal. So, perhaps daff. DVI link. If so, this is interesting in itself, as resolution would seem to take priority over the finer detail of the colour number, which makes sense better to see something off colour than nothing at all. Alternatively, perhaps only every other pixel got through i. DVI link. Then again, you may well be right with point 6. Can a passive connector cable send alternative pixels to each DVI link However, if b or c is correct, all we were seeing was a series of incorrectly coloured pixels but all in the right places. So, if c and the second link were added, then the missing bits for the pixel colours would come through and hey presto, we would have a perfect image. There are probably lots of errors in my logic but, for now, it still gives me hope Oh well, Im confused and tired its well past my bed time. Rubble Trouble Moscow Hacked At Hacked.