Not Used in Standard. A0. 02. Domestic Taxes. A0. 03. Tax Classification. A0. 04. Material. A0. 05. CustomerMaterial. A0. 06. Price List TypeCurrencyMaterial. How to install SAP HANA on a SAP HANA on Azure Large Instance. A0. 07. DivisionCustomer. A0. 08. PlantAdditional Selling Plant. A0. 09. Additional Selling PlantEANA0. Additional Selling PlantMaterial. A0. 11. Export Taxes. A0. 12. Additional Selling PlantMaterial Group. A0. 13. Overhead Type. A0. 14. Surcharge TypeSurcharge Key. A0. 15. Not Used in Standard. A0. 16. Contract Item. A0. 17. Material Info Record Plant SpecificA0. Material Info Record. A0. 19. Contract Header. A0. 20. DivisionPrice Group. A0. 21. VendorMaterialUnit of Measure. A0. 22. MaterialUnit of Measure. A0. 23. Additional Selling PlantMaterialUnit of Measure. A0. 24. Distribution ChannelMaterialUnit of Measure. A0. 25. Info Record for Non Stock Item Plant SpecificA0. Controlling AreaOverhead TypeCost Center. A0. 27. Controlling AreaOverhead Type. A0. 28. Info Record for Non Stock Item. A0. 29. Material Pricing Group. A0. 30. CustomerMaterial Pricing Group. A0. 31. Price GroupMaterial Pricing Group. A0. 32. Price groupMaterial. A0. 33. Incoterms. A0. 34. Incoterms Parts 12A0. Surcharge TypePlant. A0. 36. Overhead TypeOrder Type. A0. 37. Surcharge TypeOrder Category. A0. 38. Surcharge TypeCompany Code. A0. 39. Surcharge TypeBusiness Area. A0. 40. CountryStateCustomer Classif. Material Classification 1. A0. 41. CountryStateCountyCustomer Classif. Material Classif. A0. 42. CountryStateCityCustomer Classif. Material Classif. A0. 43. Material Type. A0. 44. Vendor. A0. Vendor Condition Group. A0. 46. Material Group Prices. A0. 47. Material Group Prices Plant SpecificA0. Incoterms Plant SpecificA0. Market Price for Material. A0. 50. Incoterms. A0. 51. Invoicing Party. A0. 52. Invoicing Party Specific to Info RecordA0. Taxes Using Jurisdiction Code. A0. 54. Market Price for Material Group. A0. 55. Sales Org. OrderPlantMaterial. A0. 56. Sales Org. OrderPlant. A0. 57. Variants. A0. 58. Controlling AreaCost Center Type. A0. 59. Controlling AreaCompany Code. A0. 60. Controlling AreaBusiness Area. A0. 61. Controlling AreaCost Center TypeCost Center. A0. 62. Controlling AreaCompany CodeCost Center. A0. 63. Controlling AreaBusiness AreaCost Center. A0. 64. Customer Hierarchy. A0. 65. Customer HierarchyMaterial. A0. 66. Info record per order unit. A0. 67. Plant Info Record per Order Unit. A0. 68. Outline Agreement Item Plant Dependent. A0. 69. Vendor Subrange. A0. 70. EAN per Plant. A0. 71. Material per Plant. A0. 72. EAN per SOrgDst. Ch. A0. 73. Material per SOrgDst. Ch. A0. 74. PlantCustoms AreaMaterial. A0. 75. Master Conditions for SRV with Material Group. A0. 76. Master Conditions for Activities in Contract. A0. 77. Cost Split for Activities in Contract. A0. 78. Departure Country Destination Country. A0. 79. Sales OrganizationDistribution ChannelMaterial Group. A0. 80. Taxes Material. A0. 81. Contract Conditions at Plant Level. A0. 82. Contract Conditions without Plant. A0. 83. Vendor Conditions with Plant. A0. 84. Vendor Conditions without Plant. A0. 85. Metal Prices. A0. 86. Taxes Material, Plant and Origin. A0. 87. Taxes Plant, Account Assignment Origin and Region. A0. 88. Taxes Material, Plant, Acc. Assignment, Origin and Region. A0. 89. SD DocumentMaterial. A0. 90. SD DocumentItemMaterial. A0. 91. Wage Type Surcharge at Plant Level. A0. 92. Wage Type Surcharge without Plant. A0. 93. Wage Type Surcharge General. A0. 94. Taxes Material, Plant, Origin and Region. A0. 95. Activities Purchasing Organization. A0. 96. Activities for Vendor. A0. 97. Activities for Vendor with Plant. A0. 98. SD DocumentItemMaterial Pricing Group. A0. 99. SD DocumentItem. A1. 00. SOrgDst. ChMaterialMain. ItemMaterial. A1. SOrgDst. ChMaterial Main ItemMaterial Pricing Group. A1. 02. SOrgDst. ChMaterial Pricing Group Main ItemMaterial. A1. 03. SOrgDst. ChMaterial. Pricing. Group Main. ItemMat. Pricing. Group. A1. Service Conditions Own EstimateA1. Controlling AreaCompany CodeBusiness Area. A1. 06. Price ListMaterial Group. A1. 07. Vendor Hierarchy. A1. 08. Vendor Hierarchy Material. A1. 09. Vendor hierarchy vendor sub range. A1. 10. Sales OrganizationDestination Country. A1. 12. Service agent. A1. 13. Service agentDep. Dep. post. codeDest. Dest. PCA1. 14. Tax Exemption Customer. A1. 15. Ser. agntDep. Dep. PC Ship to party. A1. 16. Tax Exemption CustomerTax Classification 2 Material. A1. 17. Tax Exemption CustomerMaterial. A1. 18Empties Prices Material DependentA1. Service agentDep. Dep. post. code Dest. A1. 20. Surcharge TypeVersion. A1. 21. Legal regulations Values for calculated foreign percentage. A1. 22. Surch. type Profit Center. A1. 23. Discount TypeResp. Cost Center. A1. 24. Service agentDep. Dep. Post. CodeTariff zone Dest. A1. 25. Service agentTariff zone dep. Tariff zone target. A1. 26. Service AgentTariff. Zone. DepTariff. Zone. DestFreight Class. A1. 27. Service AgentTariff. Zone. DepTariff. Zone. DestIncoterms. A1. Service AgentTariff. Zone. DepTariff. Zone. DestShipping. Mat. Type. A1. 29. Service AgentTariff. ZDepTariff. ZDestShip. Mat. TypeVSEGR 1. A1. 30. Service agenttariff zone dep. A1. 31. Service AgentTariff. Zn. DpTariff. Zn. DestPackaging MatlVSEGR1. A1. 32. Price per Cost Center. A1. 33. Mixed Taxes, Domestic. A1. 34. Vendor. A1. Transp. service agentshipping typebulk group. A1. 36. Price per Controlling Area. A1. 37. Price per CountryRegion. A1. 38. Price per Company CodeBusiness Area. A1. 39. Price per Profit Center. A1. 40. Sales Area Accounting Indicator. A1. 41. Dependent on material and receiver profit center. A1. 42. Dependent on material. A1. 43. Dependent on material group. A1. 44. Sales Deal Basic Data. A1. 45. Sales Deal CustomerMaterial. A1. 46. Customer hierarchy. A1. 47. Customer hierarchy sales dealA1. Product Hierarchy. A1. 48. Product Hierarchy. A1. 49. Customer dependent data determination. A1. 50. Dest. CtryMaterial. A1. 51. Dest. CtryComm. A1. 52. Sales Org. Dist. ChannelPlantMaterialSales UnitCustomer. A1. 53. Sales Org. Distribution ChannelPlantSales UnitCustomer. A1. 54. Sales. Org. Can T Leave Homegroup Windows 10. Dist. ChannelPrice. ListMaterialSales. UnitCustomer. A1. Sales Org. Dist. ChannelPrice ListMaterialSales Unit. A1. 56. Country of departuredestination countrydel. A1. 58. PTT CirculationPublication CHA1. Package TypePType Var. Country Grouping. A1. 60. Plant Info Record Variants. A1. 61. Info Record Variants. A1. 62. Trading Contract Invoice Recipient. A1. 63. NumberMaterial. A1. 72. Campaign IDMaterial. A1. 73. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFundFunc. AreaGMGRANTNA1. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFunc. AreaGMGRANTNA1. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFundFunc. Area. A1. 76. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFund. A1. 77. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFunc. Area. A1. 78. CO AreaOvrhd TypeGMGRANTNA1. CO AreaOvrhd TypeFundGMGRANTNA1. CountryPreference ZoneCross Plant Grouping. A1. 81. Tax. Ind. PlntTax type. A1. RegionPlnt. RegionPlantTax ind. A1. 84. ACRN IDMaterialVersion NumberPriority. A1. 85. Order no. ItemConfiguration no. MaterialPreference zone. A1. 90. Condition Table for Pricing A1. A1. 91. Condition Table for Pricing A1. A1. 92. CountryGoods Rec. St. Cla Mat. A1. 93. Condition Table for Pricing A1. A1. 94. ApplicationLine of BusinessTariffVersionStatus. A1. 95. ApplicationAgreement NumberCRemunVersionStatus. A1. 96. ApplicationAgreement No. Line of Bus. TariffVersionStatus. A1. 97. ApplicationCACSCOMCInd. Sect. VersionStatus. A1. 98. ApplicationInd. Sect. VersionStatus. A2. 00. IS PAM COA Standing Booking UnitContent ComponentCOA UMA2. IS M Contract Standing Booking UnitContract UMA2. IS M Contract Standing Content ComponentContract UMA2. IS M Contract Standing Contract Unit of Measure. A2. 05. IS M Contract Standing Book. UnitCont. Comp. Contrct Curr. A2. 06. IS M Contract Standing Booking UnitContract Currency. SAP Explore Blogs. This report will take delivery document number and delivery date from user and fetches details from delivery table and fetchescorresponding sales order details and billing details and displays sales order details with ALV list. Report salesorderreport. Table declarations. TABLES likp. SD Document Delivery Header DataSelection Screen Elements. SELECT OPTIONS sdeldoc FOR likp vbeln, Deliverysdldate FOR likp lfdat. Delivery Date Type declaration of the structure to hold specified delivery header data YPES BEGIN OF typeslikp,vbeln TYPE likp vbeln, Deliverylfdat TYPE likp lfdat, Delivery Datekunnr TYPE likp kunnr, Ship to party. END OF typeslikp. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified delivery item data YPES BEGIN OF typeslips,vbeln TYPE lips vbeln, Deliveryposnr TYPE lips posnr, Delivery Itemvgbel TYPE lips vgbel, Document number of the reference documentvgpos TYPE lips vgpos, Item number of the reference itemlfimg TYPE lips lfimg, Actual quantity delivered insales unitsvrkme TYPE lips vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typeslips. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified data in Customer Master YPES BEGIN OF typeskna. TYPE kna. 1 kunnr, Customer Number 1name. TYPE kna. 1 name. Name 1. END OF typeskna. Type declarations. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales document header data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbak,vbeln TYPE vbak vbeln, Sales Documenterdat TYPE vbak erdat, Date on Which Record Was Createdaufnr TYPE vbak aufnr, Order Number. END OF typesvbak. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales document item data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbap,vbeln TYPE vbak vbeln, Sales Documentposnr TYPE vbap posnr, Sales Document Itemmatnr TYPE vbap matnr, Material Numberarktx TYPE vbap arktx, Short text for sales orderitemkwmeng TYPE vbap kwmeng, Cumulative Order Quantity in sales Unitsvrkme TYPE vbap vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typesvbap. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified billing item data YPES BEGIN OF typesvbrp,vbeln TYPE vbrp vbeln, Billing Documentposnr TYPE vbrp posnr, Billing itemvgbel TYPE vbrp vgbel, Document number of the reference documentvgpos TYPE vbrp vgpos, Item number of the reference itemfklmg TYPE vbrp fklmg, Billing quantity in stockkeeping unitvrkme TYPE vbrp vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typesvbrp. Type declaration of the structure to hold specified sales socument header,sales document item data,delivery item data,billing item data YPES BEGIN OF typesorder,vbeln TYPE vbap vbeln, Sales Documentposnr TYPE vbap posnr, Sales Document Itemerdat TYPE vbak erdat, Date on Which Record Was Createdkunnr TYPE likp kunnr, Sold to partyname. TYPE kna. 1 name. Name 1aufnr TYPE vbak aufnr, Order Numbermatnr TYPE vbap matnr, Material Numberarktx TYPE vbap arktx, Short text for sales orderitemkwmeng TYPE vbap kwmeng, Cumulative Order Quantity in sales Unitsvrkme TYPE vbap vrkme, Sales unitvbeln. TYPE lips vbeln, Deliveryposnr. TYPE lips posnr, Delivery Itemlfimg TYPE lips lfimg, Actual quantity delivered in sales unitsvrkme. TYPE lips vrkme, Sales unitvbeln. TYPE vbrp vbeln, Billing Documentposnr. TYPE vbrp posnr, Billing itemfklmg TYPE vbrp fklmg, Billing quantity in stockkeeping unitvrkme. TYPE vbrp vrkme, Sales unit. END OF typesorder. Data declarations. Work variables ATA wcontainer TYPE REF TO clguicustomcontainer, Reference variable for containerwgrid TYPE REF TO clguialvgrid. Reference variable for grid Field String declarations. Field string variable to hold sales socument header,sales document item data,delivery item data,billing item data,fieldcatalog,layout record ATA fskna. TYPE typeskna. 1, Holds Customer master recordfsvbak TYPE typesvbak, Holds sales header recordfsvbap TYPE typesvbap, Holds sales item recordfslikp TYPE typeslikp, Holds delivery header recordfslips TYPE typeslips, Holds delivery item recordfsvbrp TYPE typesvbrp, Holds billing item recordfsorder TYPE typesorder, Holds sales order recordfscat TYPE lvcsfcat, Holds fieldcatalog recordfslay TYPE lvcslayo. Holds layout record Internal Table declarations. Internal Table to hold hold sales socument header,sales document item data,delivery item data,billing item data,fieldcatalog,layout records ATA tkna. LIKESTANDARD TABLEOF fskna.
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