Free CE Continuing Education online pharmacy, pharmacists, technicians, nurses, Healthcare ProfessionWe interrupt our discussion about diaper rash Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease is spreading. Be ready to help your patients NOW Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease affects. I will delay discussing diaper rash induced by antibiotics because of an epidemic that is spreading in our area. Recently, hand, foot, and mouth disease is on the rise with cases affecting local school districts. One of the local school districts ordered cases of hand sanitizers from a local pharmacy. I cant think of a disease that has a more descriptive name than Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease abbreviated HFMD. Etiology Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by viruses that belong to the Enterovirus genus, which includes the polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and enteroviruses. Coxsackievirus A1. United States, but other coxsackieviruses can also cause the illness. Enterovirus 7. 1 has also been associated with cases and outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Less often, enterovirus 7. Patients can be affected with a couple of different enteroviruses. Epidemiology Patients with HFMD is most contagious during the first week of illness and be contagious for days or weeks after symptoms go away. Adults, may not develop any symptoms, but they can still spread the virus to others. Everyone especially those with direct contact with children and infants must maintain good hand hygiene so they can minimize their chance of spreading or getting infections. Daycares because of their multiple diapering events can see this virus spread quickly through a classroom. Patient Information Heres some useful information about this condition that Karen Quach one of my student pharmacists would like to share. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common childhood infection most often occurring in confined spaces, such as daycares and schools, in the summer and fall months. It is characterized by small sores that can form in the mouth, and on the hands, feet, buttocks, and genitals. This is the main symptom to look out for, and the sores can appear as small red spots, bumps, or blisters. In addition, some children may present with a mild fever. Although this infection is generally mild, it is highly contagious and may cause pain, including painful swallowing. Code and Documentation Contributors Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the maintenance and improvement of the project since version 0. EMS is now offering a complete line of reagents for Histopathology The highest quality for Fixing, DehydratingClearing and Staining. Hand,Foot,Mouth disease on 1. The infection itself is not treated and should resolve without medicine within one week. Until then, children should maintain adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration. If needed, over the counter medications such as acetaminophen Tylenol or ibuprofen Advil, Motrin can be used to relieve pain. Cool liquids and foods such as popsicles and ice cream may help to numb the pain. The virus travels in body fluids, including mucus from the nose, saliva, bowel movements, and fluid from the sores. Find a great selection of items in the outlet center at Boscovs. A multitude of items are now marked at clearance prices. Shop online today Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. P R O D U C T C ATA L O G U E This catalogue details one of the most comprehensive range of mining and exploration tools, equipment and support products available to. Crack Do Theme Park Accidents. CE 201 Earth Materials and Processes 2034 Earth Materials Structure of Solid Earth, Rock cycle, Common rock forming minerals, Types of rocks and its. Therefore, the most important method to prevent spread of infection is proper hygiene. Tips include washing hands frequently with soap and water, using alcohol based hand sanitizers, covering the mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing, properly disposing infected tissues, and disinfecting contaminated surfaces and objects. Additionally, infected children should be kept home when they have symptoms to prevent spread to other children. We got a request to put together a newsletter about hand, foot and mouth disease because of a local outbreak. Like any good preceptor, I turned the project over to my student pharmacist. We have two students living with us right now and last week for Pharmacy Month, Gabrielle Dziuba published a newsletter on Poison Prevention. I turned this project over to Karen Quach. She did a stellar job, and we also published her newsletter in the local paper. Her research is the information that contains the patient information. Karen Quach, Pharm. D Candidate. University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy Class of 2. Soft For Windows 2 1 0 0 Isotonic' title='Soft For Windows 2 1 0 0 Isotonic' />
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